Hypnotherapy is a wonderfully fast, effective therapy which changes lives immeasurably in a very short time.
Hypnotherapy is a safe and healthy treatment option, proven to be an effective method of dealing with difficulties ranging from phobias and fears, to sleeping disorders and behavioural issues, and more serious conditions like depression, grief, deep stress and social or trauma-related anxiety
Hypnotherapy is a fantastically fast and lasting therapy which is used to treat a wide range of physical and emotional symptoms such as:
Anxiety, stress and depression are often linked and can lead to many other symptoms such as IBS – irritable bowel syndrome, headaches or migraines, or OCD – Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. fears, phobias & panic attacks
hypnotherapy is wonderful for treating fears, phobias and panic attacks which can take over lives – there are as many fears and phobias as there are objects, situations or animals . Some of the common phobias include fear of driving (hodophobia), fear of flying (avophobia), fear of being sick (emetophobia), fear of dogs (cynophobia) and fear of childbirth (tokophobia).
Social phobia or social anxiety as it is sometimes called are phobias within social situations such as meeting new people, crowded areas, performance anxiety, public speaking etc. This phobia can be crippling and can affect people both socially and professionally.
Low self-confidence and low self-esteem are particularly debilitating and stop people from feeling able to move forwards and achieve happy and fulfilling lives.
Insomnia is a crippling disorder which can affect insomniacs both physically and mentally and can have real negative impacts on their work and social relationships.
Many people experience sexual problems at some point in their life and once any physical reasons have been ruled out, then there is help for erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, vaginismus etc.
The symptoms of menopause can be uncomfortable and debilitating such as insomnia, hot sweats or hot flushes, depression.
To quit smoking and achieve weight loss generally require huge amounts of will-power, with hypnotherapy they can be achieved easily without will-power and the cravings!
Eating disorders such as bulimia, anorexia and binge eating respond very well to pure hypno-analysis.

Penny Alberella MIEBP, Dip Hyp, FCIPD
free initial online hypnotherapy consultation
I am offering free initial online consultations.
This is completely confidential and gives you a chance to meet me via Zoom, Skype or FaceTime and be sure you feel comfortable working with me.
It also gives me a chance to take a full history and be able to discuss the best approach for you in your circumstances.
Please be assured, there is never any pressure to make a decision then and there; you can have a think about it and make an informed choice.
Book your free initial consultation here:
free online initial consultation
phone: 01392 499955
email Penny